Denkyembour District Assembly Holds 2nd Spatial Planning Committee Meeting for 2022

Posted by Elvis Offei-Bekoe - 28th February 2022

On 28th February 2022, the Spatial Planning Committee of the Denkyembour District Assembly held a meeting at the District’s Conference Hall for the consideration and approval of development applications that were received within the month. Approval or disapproval of development application which forms part of the mandate of the committee was the main agenda of the meeting.

The chairman for the committee; Honourable Seth Birikorang Ofosu opened the meeting by expressing his gratitude to all members for making time to attend the meeting. He mentioned that the committee had done a tremendous work with regards to monitoring and identifying buildings without permits and bringing them to the assembly for approval. He then mentioned that the committee is an important committee to the assembly because they oversee the approval of development plans that in turn raise revenue for the assembly. He therefore urged the committee to try as much as possible to meet every month as stipulated by the law.

The committee then moved to the main agenda of the day which was approval of development plans within the district for the month. In all, the committee received 5 applications. After deliberations and discussions of the plans, members approved all 5 applications.

The District Chief Executive, in other business, congratulated the Physical Planning Department and the Works Department for their good work and mentioned that some defaulters of building permits had been processed before court. He then urged them to continue with the exercise periodically. He also advised them to give out their work plan to management so that some form of motivation could be given to the members of the taskforce. He then expressed his gratitude to all members for taking time to attend the meeting.