Denkyembour District Assembly Holds District Planning Coordinating Unit Meeting

Posted by Elvis Offei-Bekoe - 1st February 2024

On Thursday 1st February 2024, Denkyembour District Assembly held its first District Planning Coordinating Unit (DPCU) meeting. The committee comprises of all heads of departments and units including major institutions within the district. The objective of the meeting was to discuss the 2022 4th quarter progress reports for all departments and institutions and the annual progress report for the year 2023. These presentations were in conformity to the new reporting guidelines from the NDPC.

The Chairman for the committee and District Coordinating Director for the district; Alhaji Shamrock Abdulai Gafaru welcomed all members to the meeting. He mentioned that the activities of the DPCU was of utmost importance to him since it was the engine of the assembly. He urged all members to put in their very best and promised to see to it that all DPCU meetings are held on time.

There were sessions of departmental and institutional briefs on the progress of their activities for the 4th quarter of 2022 and annual progress reports for the year 2023. Departments and institutions that presented their reports included the Department of Social Welfare and Community Development, National Health Insurance Scheme, Physical Planning Department, Agriculture Department, Environmental Health Unit, Education Directorate, Health Directorate, Information Services Department amongst others.

After further discussions and deliberation of the departmental briefs, the District Coordinating Director urged all other departments and institutions who did not present their reports to kindly do so in the next meeting. He also urged all the departments who presented their reports to further add footnotes to some of the activities being reported on. He also informed the house that, there would be another meeting to discuss the consolidated report from all the departments.

The chairman for the committee expressed his gratitude to all members for making time to attend the lengthy meeting and asked all departments to work on any corrections that were made in their annual reports.